Wednesday 7 December 2016

PAD 540 Week 10 Assignment 4 – Strayer

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Assignment 4: PowerPoint Presentation
Due Week 10 and worth 210 points

Incorporate the professor’s feedback from Assignment 3 in order to proficiently develop Assignment 4.
Use scholarly journal articles and / or Strayer databases to complete additional research on your selected topic.
Use the major international political event that you selected for Assignment 1 in order to complete this assignment.

Use the basic outline below to draft your presentation. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings:
  • Part IV:[Name of Select Major International Event] (for Question 1-5)
  • Introduction (for Question 6a)
  • Background (for Question 6b)
  • International Organizations and Actors (for Question 6c)
  • International Law (for Question 6d)
  • Global Health (for Question 6e)
  • A Look at the Future (for Question 6f)

Create a six to eight (6-8) slide presentation in which you separate the content into sections:
  1. Present your findings using the Microsoft PowerPoint software with a minimum of ten (10) topics / slides in your presentation.
  2. Include a title slide and references section. (Note: These two [2] slides are not part of the ten (10) slide requirement)
  3. Develop a creative, appealing presentation using your chosen tool for a professional audience of international public administrators, using two to three (2-3) colors, two to three (2-3) fonts, and two to three (2-3) other visuals.
  4. Provide coherent, clear, organized, and substantive content that can be easily understood by the audience.
  5. Provide audio narration of the presentation slides as if you were delivering the speech. (Note: If you do not have access to a microphone, then you should provide detailed speaker notes with your presentation.)
  6. Create a section of the presentation (six [6] slides) in which you:
a.       Provide a brief description of your chosen event.
b.      Describe the population and its influence on crime, health, and environmental problems.
c.       Discuss the influence of all international organizations and transactional actors and its role in peace keeping missions and enforcement.
d.      Examine international law, and explain major ways in which EUs, IGOs, and/or NGOs have addressed acts of piracy, weapons of mass destruction, and human rights.
e.       Identify any disease(s) that may have impacted your event and assess the role of IGOs and NGOs in dealing with global health problems.
f.       Examine the likelihood of conflict and cooperation in the future.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • A minimum of ten (10) PowerPoint slides, with one or two (1 or 2) devoted to each of the topics in items 2-4 above. Slides should abbreviate the information in no more than five or six (5 or 6) bullet points each.
  • In the Notes View of each PowerPoint slide, incorporate the notes you would use when presenting the slides to an audience.
  • Slide titles should be based on the criteria described above (e.g., “Four Key Attributes,” “Responses to Budget Issues,” etc.)
  • In addition to the content slides required, include a title slide and a reference slide. The title slide must contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. The reference slide should list, in APA format, the sources you consulted in writing the paper.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • Analyze how international politics influences the various levels of public administration and its effects on groups and individuals.
  • Differentiate among international conflict, security, terrorism, military force, weapons of mass destruction, and their effects on war and peace.
  • Give examples of International Government Organizations (IGOs) and the various roles of their key players.
  • Examine the sources and enforcement of international law.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in international public administration.
  • Write clearly and concisely about international public administration using proper writing mechanics.

PAD 530 Week 10 Discussion Questions – Strayer NEW

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Week 10 DQ 1
"Human Resources Management in Nonprofit Organizations" Please respond to the following:
Debate It: 
·         First: Review Chapter 3: Generational Differences and the Public Sector Workforce and Chapter 6: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Employees in the Public Sector Workforce. 
·         Second: Take a position for or against this statement: religious organizations have a right to be exempt from federal guidelines regarding the employment of lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people. Provide a rationale for your views.  
Class, please follow this format when responding:
Take a position for or against this statement: religious organizations have a right to be exempt from federal guidelines regarding the employment of lesbians, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people. Provide a rationale for your views.  (Responses should be 100 words or more in length)

Week 10 DQ 2
"The Future of Human Resource Management in Nonprofits" Please respond to the following:
·         Debate It: From the e-Activity, human resource management in nonprofit organizations is likely to increase significantly with the passing of the Senate’s Job Creation Tax Credit, which is expected to generate between 10,000 and 23,000 jobs. Take a position on whether or not there will be an increase or decrease of religious discrimination in Title IV, PRWORA, charitable choice, and / or faith-based initiatives. Provide a rationale for your views.
Class, please follow this format when responding:
Take a position on whether or not there will be an increase or decrease of religious discrimination in Title IV, PRWORA, charitable choice, and / or faith-based initiatives. Provide a rationale for your views Provide a rationale for your views.  (Responses should be 100 words or more in length)

PAD 530 Week 10 Assignment 5 – Strayer

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Assignment 5: Preparing for the Agency’s Future, Part 5
Due Week 10 and worth 100 points
Refer to the Scenario for Assignments 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of eight to ten (8-10) slides. Address the agency’s future using the following criteria (taken from Chapter 12):
1.  Analyze at least three (3) challenges of succession planning for your selected agency.
2.  Propose at least three (3) components of effective implementation of succession planning.
3.  Discuss at least three (3) skills for managing personnel through turbulence, providing a rationale for each skill.
4.  Recommend at least three (3) innovations for succession planning, providing a rationale for each recommendation.
5.  Provide at least four (4) relevant and credible outside sources that support the content of this assignment. (Include no more than one (1) non-government Website)
The format of the assignment is to be as follows:
                              Develop eight to 10 (8-10) PowerPoint slides, with one or two (1 or 2) devoted to each of the topics in items 1-4 above. Slides should abbreviate the information in no more than five or six (5 or 6) bullet points each.
                              Incorporate 200-250 words of content in the Notes View of each PowerPoint slide. (These would be used while presenting the slides to an audience.
                              Slide titles should be based on the criteria described above (e.g., “Challenges of Succession Planning,” etc.)
                              In addition to the content slides required, a title slide and a reference slide are to be included. The title slide is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. The reference slide should list, in APA format, the sources you consulted in writing the paper. 
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
                              Examine the major components of the personnel management system, procedures, and processes in the public sector.
                              Evaluate current and emerging issues and trends in public personnel management, such as evaluation, public sector recruitment, staffing employment development compensation, benefits, pensions, strategic planning, and / or succession planning.
                              Develop a proposal for strategic public personnel management for a specific setting.
                              Use technology and information resources to research issues in public personnel management.
                              Write clearly and concisely about public personnel management using proper writing mechanics.

PAD 500 Week 10 Discussion Questions – Strayer NEW

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Week 10 DQ 1
"The Future of Public Administration."  Please respond to the following:

•           Identify and explain how the current economic climate might dictate the major themes of public sector management going forward.
•           Based on all that you have learned in this course and what you know about current events, analyze and take a position on the future of public administration in the next presidential administration.

Week 10 DQ 2
"Major Public Sector Issues."  Please respond to the following:

•           Identify and describe two major issues that have recently surfaced in the public sector.
•           Take a position on whether these issues will influence the services of public goods and explain your position.

PAD 500 Week 10 Assignment 4 – Strayer

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Assignment 4: The Management of Human Resources
Due Week 10 and worth 210 points
Using the Case Study: A Change of Management (PDF), prepare a PowerPoint Presentation of 6 to 8 slides addressing the following:
1.  Identify and explain four (4) key attributes of Larry Frymire’s leadership style.
2.  Identify and explain four (4) major influences from the tug-of-war between Frymire’s role as leader and the newly elected governor.
3.  Select and assess four (4) of Frymire’s responses to the budget issues in the changing political environment.
4.  Research and cite at least four (4) peer-reviewed academic sources.
The format of the assignment is to be as follows:
                              Six to eight (6-8) PowerPoint slides, with one or two devoted to each of the topics in items 2–4 above. Slides should abbreviate the information in no more than five or six (5 or 6) bullet points each.
                              In the Notes View of each PowerPoint slide, incorporate the notes you would use when presenting the slides to an audience.
                              Slide titles should be based on the criteria described above (e.g., “Four Key Attributes,” “Responses to Budget Issues,” etc.)
                              In addition to the content slides required, a title slide and a reference slide are to be included. The title slide is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. The reference slide should list, in APA format, the sources you consulted in writing the paper. 
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
                              Analyze and apply concepts of planning and human resource management essential to the study of public administration as it relates to political choice.
                              Analyze and apply concepts of public leadership and management essential to the study of public administration.
                              Use technology and information resources to research issues in modern public administration.
                              Write clearly and concisely about modern public administration using proper writing mechanics.

MKT 506 Week 10 Assignment 5 – Strayer

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Assignment 5: A Household Name
Due Week 10 and worth 150 points

One of the ultimate goals of marketing is to generate sales and translate the message or product into something the targeted market embraces.

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:
1.      Argue the significance or need of a salesperson to push products. Address whether or not the type of product makes a difference with an example.
2.      Consider the expectation of a sales professional and discuss if this is a position you would be interested in. Provide support for the claims you make regarding the career.
3.      Develop a policy that you would use to ensure you remain ethical in your advertising activities.
4.      Compare and contrast public relations, publicity, and corporate advertising, and discuss the value each presents along with an example for each one that you think has been executed well.
5.      Think about the role of publicity and speculate whether or not you think publicity will be impactful in the future. Be sure to discuss what factors you considered when developing your response.
6.      Use at least five (5) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
·         Summarize the ethical and regulatory considerations in marketing communications, and develop approaches to maintaining appropriate ethical and regulatory standards in marketing operations.
·         Use technology and information resources to research issues in integrated marketing communications.
  • Write clearly and concisely about integrated marketing communications using proper writing mechanics.

MKT 505 Week 10 Assignment 3 – Strayer

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Assignment 3: Entry Plan into International Market
Due Week 10 and worth 300 points

This assignment will provide you with firsthand experience in developing a strategic marketing plan for entering a new international market. Choose a global company that you are familiar with for this paper. Note: Do not use a company from a previous assignments or discussions.

Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research the following components of the global company that you have chosen:
-       Company Profile (History & Analysis)
-       Product(s)
-       Financial Status
-       Market Position
-       Analysis of current global operating environments
-       Integrated marketing communication (IMC) Strategy
-       Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis
-       Sustainable Competitive Advantage(s) enjoyed by the firm
-       Sources of funds for the project
-       Pro-Forma Balance Sheet & Income Statement for five (5) years
-       Cash-Flow Statement

Note: You may also use the following resource for your research:
§  Financial profiles for global companies:

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:
  1. Choose a country into which the company you selected may expand. Note: Ensure that the country you chose is currently not doing business with the selected company in any capacity (e.g., exporting, FDI, or contract manufacturing).
  2. Develop a brief profile of the country that you have chosen. The summary should include:
a.       Geographic and historical data regarding international business
b.      Political and legal environment for conducting international business
c.       Business customs and practices
d.      Economic environment
e.       Socio-economic analysis which should include the factors of concern (e.g., population characteristics, language, GDP, taxation, personal income, labor, industries, communication networks, imports / exports, and major trading partners’ countries).
Note: Refer the following resource to complete this criterion of the assignment:
§  A Basic Guide to Exporting Contents
  1. Ascertain the possibility and feasibility of financial, distribution, and marketing partnerships for the company within the chosen country. Your research should include: 
a.       Market structure and analysis (e.g., channels- direct or indirect)
b.      Currency considerations
c.       e-Commerce
d.      Impact of regional and global trade integration
e.       Potential volume of trade
f.       The marketing mix components
g.      Key cultural dimensions affecting marketing operations
  1. Analyze the key reasons why the entering the market in the country that you have chosen is justified. Include your research and analysis from Criteria 1 and 2 of this assignment to support the response.
  2. Determine at least three (3) potential risks of foreign market expansion into the country that you have chosen (e.g., language barriers, regulatory, taxation, expropriation, etc.). Suggest one (1) strategy to mitigate each risk that you have determined using weighted metrics with a baseline number(s).
  3. Determine at least three (3) potential benefits of foreign market expansion into the country that you have chosen. Suggest one (1) strategy to maximize each benefit that you have determined. 
  4. Suggest at least two (2) ways in which you would adapt the operational strategies of your chosen company both to fit the changing dynamics of foreign markets and to foster a competitive advantage for the company.
  5. Use at least six (6) academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
·         Formulate, implement, and evaluate effective marketing strategies based on an analysis of global operating environments, market dynamics, and internal capabilities.  
·         Analyze the major economic, cultural, and political / legal aspects of the international business environment, including the economic dynamics of foreign trade, impact of regional and global trade integration, and key cultural dimensions affecting marketing operations. 
·         Assess the potential risks and benefits of various international markets and formulate effective market entry strategies to support foreign market expansion.
·         Integrate global information systems in the use of market research.
·         Integrate the concepts of market segmentation, product development, and pricing policies into viable marketing strategy to fit a variety of international market environments.
·         Construct product distribution channels and logistics to meet marketing objectives and fit a variety of global market environments.
·         Analyze an integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategy to support global marketing operations.
·         Integrate global e-Commerce into the marketing strategy.
·         Evaluate and adapt corporate marketing strategies to fit the changing dynamics of foreign markets and foster a competitive advantage.
·         Use technology and information resources to research issues in international marketing.
·         Write clearly and concisely about international marketing using proper writing mechanics.

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